I bow to the messenger
I actually think of things like this everday, and I kan see why terrorists want to attack our countries. One major step we can take to achieving this goal would be to overthrow current government officials. Then to get REAL people into the government, there is going to have to be major taxes on large companies so that these taxes can support civilian campaigns. Thus being less corrupt.
Politics is all about money, whoever funds their campaign, they are going to vote in laws for, and vote out laws against them. Because this is their large income of money.
For example..
Drug companies that have politicians by the balls, this year, had a vote on a new generic drug that would help millions of people with severe/deathlike allergy symptoms. But because this would hurt major sales ( because the drug would be a low costing pill ) they revoked it into the public, so their fatasses would make more money. Then the next time around it came to vote it in, they accepted it, but only made it 5 dollars cheaper than the leading brand. ( which costs still around 100-120$
Just another fun fact for those of you who are living unaware of the "Bless this mess" people.
As for the flash, I agree that it is very powerful, and when I am an older civilian, I am going to try to push these thoughts. But first one is going to have to achieve money, to get this idea across.